Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Mirabal Sisters

In the history of the Dominican Republic, there are three sisters who are heroines in the independence of this county. They were martyred in their effort to rid the country of a murderous dictator who reigned in the 1940's, 50's and 60's. We traveled to visit their childhood home which is currently a national visitors center and even have a province named after them. The sole remaining sister still lives in the home and is a wonderful example of dedication to her sister's legacy of sacrifice. She raised all of the children that were orphaned as a result of the deaths of their parents. We have a picture of her with us as well as the beautiful orchids that she has all over her yard. The home is on a working cocoa plantation which produces cocoa beans that are dried and shipped to Europe. You will notice the cocoa pod grows on the trunk and limb of the tree. The beans are on the inside of the pod and are surrounded by a delicious covering which is thrown away in the harvesting of the bean. They are then dried on large flats with movable roofs that can protect them from the rain.

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