Sunday, January 24, 2010

Family home evening with an apostle of the Lord

Since Reed has been so wonderful to write all of our posts except the very first one, I decided to try to share some of my feelings.  This past Monday night Elder David A. Bednar,  an apostle of the Lord, came to our Family Home Evening with about 20 couple missionaries.  He was accompanied by his beautiful wife,  Elder Costa (of the presidency of  the Seventies) and his beautiful wife.  What a sacred experience it was to be so close to a chosen witness of the Savior and others of His faithful servants.  One of the things that touched me the most about what Elder Bednar shared was that he said that a lot of people think that an apostle's main duties are to speak at conferences, attend weekly meetings, and administer the affairs of the Church.  He learned the first week after he was called that the keys of the apostleship are to be used in ministering to the "one",  just as the Savior did.  That is his main responsibility.  Every single day he seeks opportunities to use his keys in blessing the "one".  This applies so much to us as missionaries also.  He also left us with his apostolic blessing that each of our families would receive great blessings because of our service,  even more than they would if we were home to attend baptisms, blessings and all the special family events.  It gives me the strength I need to miss Matt and Vanessa's wedding in Feb.   Elder Bednar and the others also came Thurs. night to speak to our Institute students.  Over 300 were there dressed in their Sunday best.  He spent the time answering their questions just as he had at our FHE.  The Spirit was felt so strongly.  What a huge blessing this was!!
We are soo grateful to be missionaries here in the DR!!  Almost every day we have a chance to see examples of the people's pure faith and feel the love they show us.  I was promised when I was set apart that I would love the Institute students as my own and that has certainly come true!


  1. What an awesome experience to be instructed by Elders Bednar and Costa. That is surely one more perk of serving as a missionary!

    So Matt is getting married in Feb!! Where?

    Things are moving along here in Sutherlin. No many changes since you left. Those who were so ill are still hanging on--amazingly enough. Many opportunities for service recently. We miss you!

  2. Sherrie and Reed, I found your blog! I knew you were out there in webland, somewhere and now I've found you.How blessed you are to be taught by so many church leaders. It's wonderful to know that no matter where we are we can let our little light shine. Of course, your light sure "ain't little". You two are working with a mega-powered spot light! How exciting for Matt! I'm happy for him and his fiance. What wonderful young people! Is there anything I can do from this end to help? Daniel Lyons will be baptized tonight on his 8th birthday. What an amazing little boy! He's my room angel and quietly sets up the classroom every Sunday. His idea and he's so faithful. I feel so blessed to be his teacher, or is he my teacher? Love all the pictures of both of you. You are wrapped in happiness in every shot. We miss you but know that you are right where you need to be. Hugs! Pam S
