Sunday, November 8, 2009


Here we are in front of the institute building. It is a beautiful building with many large class rooms with parking underneath. The building is set up to not only be the institute but also to be the center for employment for the church as well as the Perpetual Education Fund. It also has a full kitchen and recreation area for the youth which they love to use to just hang out together. There are sofas around the wall that also serve well for a short nap between classes as well as a ping pong table and foosball game. They love Foosball and are really quite good at it. Sherrie and I have been taking pictures of all of the youth over the past week in an attempt to learn their names. Last week we had the opportunity to introduce ourselves to the youth at their devotional. The speaker could not come and the secretary, Ingrid, could not get the computer to connect to the projector for a video, so Sherrie and I were asked on the spot to share a bit about ourselves. Sherrie did a wonderful job of also talking about personal revelation and invited the students to take time then to experience it. I gave a very brief explanation of who we were and then bore my testimony in Spanish. It is coming slow but coming.

The institute is directly across the street from the City University which is the largest in the country. We pull up to the gate and honk and the security guard opens the large metal gate. Everything is locked and large iron doors secure the outside of the glass doors. Last week we had to drive an alternate way home because the students decided
to dump garbage in the street that we usually take as a protest to the government's decision to move Constitution Day from the actual day to a Monday like is done in the US. It was a blessing because we were able to see another part of town and actually drive on the coastal highway that is only about 2 blocks from the institute. The ocean is so beautiful. We spend a good deal of time waiting for traffic and Sherrie saw this palm tree by the side of the street with the beautiful red and yellow bunches of seeds growing on it and took the picture.

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